
The Occupancy service allows you to create, modify and retrieve booking related information. It is very important that the date periods you want to create or modify must not result in overlapping date periods (except for canceled periods), which would be an invalid input and cannot be saved. Therefore we will validate every date period to avoid overlaps. Occupancy collection allows the modification, the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all bookings for a listing. Occupancy entity allows the modification, the cancelation and the retrieving of one specific booking for a listing. You have to know the booking_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the booking_id take a look at the Occupancy GET collection for the listing you want to address.

GET /listing/:listing_id/occupancy

The Occupancy GET collection allows the retrieving of all bookings for the specified listing. The collection can be filtered for the fields 'from', 'to' and 'booking_status_id by' adding filter values as GET parameters. See field descriptions for more details. (Usage example: /listing/:listing_id/occupancy?arrival_from=2017-01-01&arrival_to=2017-02-01&departure_from=2017-01-15&departure_to=2017-02-14&booking_status_id=2)


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "occupancy": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]"
              "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
              "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
              "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
              "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
              "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
              "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
              "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
              "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"

POST /listing/:listing_id/occupancy

The Occupancy POST collection allows the creation of a new booking for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]"
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/occupancy

The Occupancy PATCH collection allows the modification of all existing bookings for the specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a collection instead of cancelling it and posting a new one when you want to change specific data for all bookings (e.g. the booking_status_id). The fields "from" and "to" are not required in the PATCH services. Unfortunately apigility does not allow to change that in the table below.


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "occupancy": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]"
              "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
              "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
              "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
              "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
              "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
              "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
              "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
              "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/occupancy

The Occupancy DELETE collection allows the deletion of all bookings for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]

The Occupancy GET entity allows the retrieving of one booking by the booking_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]"
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]

The Occupancy PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing booking for the specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a entity instead of cancelling it and creating a new one, if you want to change specific data for one booking (e.g. note) The fields "from" and "to" are not required in the PATCH services. Unfortunately apigility does not allow to change that in the table below.


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]"
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"

PUT /listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]

The Occupancy PUT entity allows the modification of one existing booking for the specified listing. In comparison to the Occupancy PATCH entity the PUT entity will overwrite all data to 'null' which is not given in the request! If you want to modify one attribute without affecting the other attributes you have to use the PATCH entity. Also the PUT entity will check if the required fields are given (PATCH entity do not check it). The fields "from" and "to" are not required in the PATCH services. Unfortunately apigility does not allow to change that in the table below.


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]"
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period.",
   "note": "Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer.",
   "email": "Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer.",
   "last_name": "Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer.",
   "booking_status_id": "Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/occupancy[/:occupancy_id]

The Occupancy DELETE entity allows the deletion of one booking by the booking_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Available collection filters: arrival_from (Format: Y-m-d), arrival_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the period. YES
to Available collection filters: departure_from (Format: Y-m-d), departure_to (Format: Y-m-d) | Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the period. YES
note Expected data type: string | Description: The custom note for the date period. NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the vacationer. NO
email Excepted datatype: string (valid email address format) | Description: The email address of the vacationer. NO
last_name Excepted datatype: string | Description: The last name of the vacationer. NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the vacationer. NO
booking_status_id Available collection filters: booking_status_id (integer) | Excepted Values: integer | Description: The status of the date period. | Allowed values: 1 => reservation, 2 => booking, 3 => not bookable, 4 => cancelled YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The Listing service allows you to modify and retrieve basic information about your listing. The resource, without any information in it, will be automatically generated for every new listing. Because every listing has only one listing resource it is not possible to send DELETE/POST requests, also there are no collection methods. You can only PATCH and GET the resource entity with the listing_id as the service locator. Also it is not allowed to PATCH the field size, object_type_id, classification_expire_date and classification_star_id in online listings. Please contact the support/sales team to change these information. When you PATCH classification_expire_date and classification_star_id please keep in mind that our team has to check the data before it will actually change. Therefore it is possible that a GET will not show you the just changed values because they are still waiting for a verification by someone in the support/sales team.

GET /listing[/:listing_id]

The Listing GET entity allows the retrieving of the basic listing information by the listing_id.


Field Type Description Required
accessibility_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 1 => ground level, 2 => stairs, 3 => elevator NO
max_persons Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of maximum persons who could stay in the property. YES
size Expected data type: integer | Description: The size of the property (without the adjacent land) in squaremeter. YES
classification_expire_date Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The date when the classification expires (must be in the future). NO
classification_star_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 0 => reset field, 1 => one star, 2 => two stars, 3 => three stars, 4 => four stars, 5 => five stars NO
object_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The property type | Allowed values: 2 => apartment, 3 => farmhouse, 4 => bio farm, 5 => bungalow, 9 => holiday house, 12 => holiday apartment, 14 => holiday room, 15 => finca, 21 => cottage, 23 => pension, 25 => villa, 28 => trailer, 30 => house boat, 31 => bed and breakfast, 32 => chalet, 33 => castle, 35 => cave dwelling, 38 => ski lodge, 39 => residence, 40 => alpine hut, 41 => sailing ship, 42 => guest room, 43 => terraced house, 44 => holiday cottage NO
registration_number Expected data type: string | Description: The registration number of the listing. NO
cin_number Expected data type: string | Description: The CIN(Codice Identificativo Nazionale) number of the listing. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing[/:listing_id]"
   "accessibility_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 1 => ground level, 2 => stairs, 3 => elevator",
   "max_persons": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of maximum persons who could stay in the property.",
   "size": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The size of the property (without the adjacent land) in squaremeter.",
   "classification_expire_date": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The date when the classification expires (must be in the future).",
   "classification_star_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 0 => reset field, 1 => one star, 2 => two stars, 3 => three stars, 4 => four stars, 5 => five stars",
   "object_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The property type | Allowed values: 2 => apartment, 3 => farmhouse, 4 => bio farm, 5 => bungalow, 9 => holiday house, 12 => holiday apartment, 14 => holiday room, 15 => finca, 21 => cottage, 23 => pension, 25 => villa, 28 => trailer, 30 => house boat, 31 => bed and breakfast, 32 => chalet, 33 => castle, 35 => cave dwelling, 38 => ski lodge, 39 => residence, 40 => alpine hut, 41 => sailing ship, 42 => guest room, 43 => terraced house, 44 => holiday cottage",
   "registration_number" : "Expected data type: string | Description: The registration number of the listing.",
   "cin_number" : "Expected data type: string | Description: The CIN(Codice Identificativo Nazionale) number of the listing."

PATCH /listing[/:listing_id]

The Listing PATCH entity allows the modfication of the basic listing data by the listing_id. It is not allowed to PATCH the fields size, classification_expire_date, object_type_id and classification_star_id in online listings. When you PATCH classification_expire_date and classification_star_id please keep in mind that our team has to check the data before it will actually change. Therefore it is possible that a GET will not show you the just changed values because they are still waiting for a verification by someone in the support/sales team.


Field Type Description Required
accessibility_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 1 => ground level, 2 => stairs, 3 => elevator NO
max_persons Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of maximum persons who could stay in the property. YES
size Expected data type: integer | Description: The size of the property (without the adjacent land) in squaremeter. YES
classification_expire_date Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The date when the classification expires (must be in the future). NO
classification_star_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 0 => reset field, 1 => one star, 2 => two stars, 3 => three stars, 4 => four stars, 5 => five stars NO
object_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The property type | Allowed values: 2 => apartment, 3 => farmhouse, 4 => bio farm, 5 => bungalow, 9 => holiday house, 12 => holiday apartment, 14 => holiday room, 15 => finca, 21 => cottage, 23 => pension, 25 => villa, 28 => trailer, 30 => house boat, 31 => bed and breakfast, 32 => chalet, 33 => castle, 35 => cave dwelling, 38 => ski lodge, 39 => residence, 40 => alpine hut, 41 => sailing ship, 42 => guest room, 43 => terraced house, 44 => holiday cottage NO
registration_number Expected data type: string | Description: The registration number of the listing. NO
cin_number Expected data type: string | Description: The CIN(Codice Identificativo Nazionale) number of the listing. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "accessibility_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 1 => ground level, 2 => stairs, 3 => elevator",
   "max_persons": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of maximum persons who could stay in the property.",
   "size": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The size of the property (without the adjacent land) in squaremeter.",
   "classification_expire_date": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The date when the classification expires (must be in the future).",
   "classification_star_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 0 => reset field, 1 => one star, 2 => two stars, 3 => three stars, 4 => four stars, 5 => five stars",
   "object_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The property type | Allowed values: 2 => apartment, 3 => farmhouse, 4 => bio farm, 5 => bungalow, 9 => holiday house, 12 => holiday apartment, 14 => holiday room, 15 => finca, 21 => cottage, 23 => pension, 25 => villa, 28 => trailer, 30 => house boat, 31 => bed and breakfast, 32 => chalet, 33 => castle, 35 => cave dwelling, 38 => ski lodge, 39 => residence, 40 => alpine hut, 41 => sailing ship, 42 => guest room, 43 => terraced house, 44 => holiday cottage",
   "registration_number" : "Expected data type: string | Description: The registration number of the listing.",
   "cin_number" : "Expected data type: string | Description: The CIN(Codice Identificativo Nazionale) number of the listing."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing[/:listing_id]"
   "accessibility_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 1 => ground level, 2 => stairs, 3 => elevator",
   "max_persons": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of maximum persons who could stay in the property.",
   "size": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The size of the property (without the adjacent land) in squaremeter.",
   "classification_expire_date": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The date when the classification expires (must be in the future).",
   "classification_star_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The accessbility type | Allowed values: 0 => reset field, 1 => one star, 2 => two stars, 3 => three stars, 4 => four stars, 5 => five stars",
   "object_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The property type | Allowed values: 2 => apartment, 3 => farmhouse, 4 => bio farm, 5 => bungalow, 9 => holiday house, 12 => holiday apartment, 14 => holiday room, 15 => finca, 21 => cottage, 23 => pension, 25 => villa, 28 => trailer, 30 => house boat, 31 => bed and breakfast, 32 => chalet, 33 => castle, 35 => cave dwelling, 38 => ski lodge, 39 => residence, 40 => alpine hut, 41 => sailing ship, 42 => guest room, 43 => terraced house, 44 => holiday cottage",
   "registration_number" : "Expected data type: string | Description: The registration number of the listing.",
   "cin_number" : "Expected data type: string | Description: The CIN(Codice Identificativo Nazionale) number of the listing."


The PriceTable service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve price period related information. It is very important that the price periods you want to create or modify must not result in overlapping periods because this is not allowed. Therefore we will validate every period to avoid overlaps. PriceTable collection allows the modification, the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all price tables for a listing. PriceTable entity allows the modification, the deletion and the retrieving of one specific price table for a listing. You have to know the price_table_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the price_table_id take a look at the PriceTable GET collection for the listing you want to address.

GET /listing/:listing_id/price-table

The PriceTable GET collection allows the retrieving of all price tables for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "price_table": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]"
              "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
              "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
              "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
              "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
              "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
              "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
              "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

POST /listing/:listing_id/price-table

The PriceTable POST collection allows the creation of a new price table for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]"
   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/price-table

The PriceTable DELETE collection allows the deletion of all price table for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/price-table

The PriceTable PATCH collection allows the modification of all existing price tables for the specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a collection instead of deleting it and posting a new one when you want to change specific data for all bookings (e.g. the minimum_stay_id).


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "price_table": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]"
              "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
              "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
              "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
              "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
              "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
              "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
              "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

GET /listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]

The PriceTable GET entity allows the retrieving of one price table by the price_table_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]"
   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]

The PriceTable PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing price table for the specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a entity instead of deleting it and creating a new one, if you want to change specific data for one booking (e.g. price_per_week)


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]"
   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

PUT /listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]

The PriceTable PUT entity allows the modification of one existing price table for the specified listing. In comparison to the PriceTable PATCH entity the PUT entity will overwrite all data to 'null' which is not given in the request! If you want to modify one attribute without affecting the other attributes you have to use the PATCH entity. Also the PUT entity will check if the required fields are given (PATCH entity does not check it).


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]"
   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_day": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_extra_night": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/price-table[/:price_table_id]

The PriceTable DELETE entity allows the deletion of one price table by the price_table_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_day Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per day within the price period. NO
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. NO
price_extra_night Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per extra night within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => one night, 2 => two nights, 3 => three nights, 4 => four nights, 5 => five nights, 6 => six nights, 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The PaymentOption service allows you to modify and retrieve payment related information. Each listing has only one payment options entry. Because the resource will be auto generated for each listing, there is no collection. The resource id you need to use is the listing_id.

GET /payment-option[/:listing_id]

The PaymentOption GET entity allows the retrieving of the payment options for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
payment_method_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which prepayment price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => prepayment as number in the current object currency, 2 => prepayment in percent based on the total price, 3 => no prepayment NO
deposit Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of the deposit as number in the specified object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
prepayment_type_id Excepted datatype: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the prepayment must be made. | Allowed values: -1 => in consulation, 1 => with booking, 2 => at arrival, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival NO
prepayment Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of prepayment as number or percent in the current object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
final_payment_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the final payment must be made. | Allowed values: -2 => in consulation, -1 => final payment with booking, 1 => at arrival, 2 => at departure, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival NO
deposit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which deposit price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => no deposit, 2 => deposit in percent based on the price, 3 => deposit as number in the current object currency NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/payment-option[/:listing_id]"
   "payment_method_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which prepayment price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => prepayment as number in the current object currency, 2 => prepayment in percent based on the total price, 3 => no prepayment",
   "deposit": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of the deposit as number in the specified object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "prepayment_type_id": "Excepted datatype: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the prepayment must be made. | Allowed values: -1 => in consulation, 1 => with booking, 2 => at arrival, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival",
   "prepayment": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of prepayment as number or percent in the current object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "final_payment_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the final payment must be made. | Allowed values: -2 => in consulation, -1 => final payment with booking, 1 => at arrival, 2 => at departure, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival",
   "deposit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which deposit price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => no deposit, 2 => deposit in percent based on the price, 3 => deposit as number in the current object currency"

PATCH /payment-option[/:listing_id]

The PaymentOption PATCH entity allows the modification of existing payment options for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
payment_method_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which prepayment price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => prepayment as number in the current object currency, 2 => prepayment in percent based on the total price, 3 => no prepayment NO
deposit Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of the deposit as number in the specified object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
prepayment_type_id Excepted datatype: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the prepayment must be made. | Allowed values: -1 => in consulation, 1 => with booking, 2 => at arrival, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival NO
prepayment Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of prepayment as number or percent in the current object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
final_payment_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the final payment must be made. | Allowed values: -2 => in consulation, -1 => final payment with booking, 1 => at arrival, 2 => at departure, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival NO
deposit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which deposit price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => no deposit, 2 => deposit in percent based on the price, 3 => deposit as number in the current object currency NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "payment_method_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which prepayment price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => prepayment as number in the current object currency, 2 => prepayment in percent based on the total price, 3 => no prepayment",
   "deposit": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of the deposit as number in the specified object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "prepayment_type_id": "Excepted datatype: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the prepayment must be made. | Allowed values: -1 => in consulation, 1 => with booking, 2 => at arrival, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival",
   "prepayment": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of prepayment as number or percent in the current object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "final_payment_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the final payment must be made. | Allowed values: -2 => in consulation, -1 => final payment with booking, 1 => at arrival, 2 => at departure, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival",
   "deposit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which deposit price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => no deposit, 2 => deposit in percent based on the price, 3 => deposit as number in the current object currency"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/payment-option[/:listing_id]"
   "payment_method_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which prepayment price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => prepayment as number in the current object currency, 2 => prepayment in percent based on the total price, 3 => no prepayment",
   "deposit": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of the deposit as number in the specified object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "prepayment_type_id": "Excepted datatype: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the prepayment must be made. | Allowed values: -1 => in consulation, 1 => with booking, 2 => at arrival, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival",
   "prepayment": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of prepayment as number or percent in the current object currency. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "final_payment_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifies at which time the final payment must be made. | Allowed values: -2 => in consulation, -1 => final payment with booking, 1 => at arrival, 2 => at departure, 3 => one week before arrival, 4 => two weeks before arrival, 5 => three weeks before arrival, 6 => four weeks before arrival, 7 => five weeks before arrival, 8 => six weeks before arrival",
   "deposit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier specifes which deposit price is used. | Allowed values: 1 => no deposit, 2 => deposit in percent based on the price, 3 => deposit as number in the current object currency"


The Picture service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve picture related information. It is only allowed to assign one category per picture. The minimum size of a picture is 800 x 600 Pixel. Allowed picture datatypes are: JPG, PNG and GIF. The POST of a new picture also create a PictureTitle resource. If you want to set the title for a picture please take a look at the PictureTitle service. Picture collection allows the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all pictures for a listing. Picture entity allows the modification, the deletion and the retrieving of one specific picture for a listing. You have to know the picture_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the picture ids take a look at the Picture GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/picture

The Picture GET collection allows the retrieving of all pictures for the specified listing. The collection can be filtered for gallery pictures (pictures on display at traum-ferienwohnungen.de) using the "inGallery" query parameter (Usage example: /listing/:listing_id/picture?inGallery=1).


Field Type Description Required
url Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous YES
is_summer_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO
is_winter_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "picture": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture[/:picture_id]"
              "url": "Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture.",
              "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous",
              "is_summer_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance.",
              "is_winter_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance."

POST /listing/:listing_id/picture

The Picture POST collection allows the creation of new pictures for the specified listing. *** IMPORTANT NOTE*** In the current state of the service it is only possible to POST one picture per request.


Field Type Description Required
url Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous YES
is_summer_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO
is_winter_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "url": "Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous",
   "is_summer_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance.",
   "is_winter_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture[/:picture_id]"
   "url": "Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous",
   "is_summer_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance.",
   "is_winter_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/picture

The Picture DELETE collection allows the deletion of all pictures for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
url Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous YES
is_summer_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO
is_winter_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/picture[/:picture_id]

The Picture GET entity allows the retrieving of one picture by the picture_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
url Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous YES
is_summer_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO
is_winter_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture[/:picture_id]"
   "url": "Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous",
   "is_summer_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance.",
   "is_winter_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance."

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/picture[/:picture_id]

The Picture PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing picture for the specified listing. The modification is not allowed for the url. If you want to change the URL of a picture, you have to DELETE the old picture and POST the new one. Also it is not possible to patch is_summer_picture or is_winter_picture to the value 'false'.


Field Type Description Required
url Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous YES
is_summer_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO
is_winter_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "url": "Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous",
   "is_summer_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance.",
   "is_winter_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture[/:picture_id]"
   "url": "Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous",
   "is_summer_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance.",
   "is_winter_picture": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/picture[/:picture_id]

The Picture DELETE entity allows the deletion of one picture by the picture_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
url Expected data type: string | Description: The http or https url of the picture. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the picture. In general it is not allowed to assign two categories to one picture. | Allowed values: 1 => outdoor, 2 => environment, 3 => equipment, 4 => groundplan, 5 => landlord, 6 => documents (logo, certificate), 100 => miscellaneous YES
is_summer_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the summer season (16.feb till 30.oct). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO
is_winter_picture Expected data type: boolean | Description: The Option set the picture to the listings start picture during the winter season (31.oct till 15. feb). The field is optional and its default value is false. It is strongly recommended to provide the field only if you want to set the value 'true' for the picture. Otherwise you can leave the field out to save some performance. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The PictureTitle service allows you to modify and retrieve the text for the picture title. The PictureTitle service depends on the picture_id which you can retrieve from the Picture service. The resource will be created for you via POST a new picture in the Picture service. The resource consists of two entries, one for the German picture title and one for the English picture title. Both entries have empty picture titles in their initial state. You can set the title for each language by using the picture_title_id which is unique. The language will be provided in the GET response in ISO-639-2/T code to map the correct text to the proper language. PictureTitle collection allows the retrieving of all picture titles for a picture. PictureTitle entity allows the modification and the retrieving of one specific picture title for the picture. You have to know the picture_title_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the picture title ids take a look at the PictureTitle GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title

The PictureTitle GET collection allows the retrieving of all picture titles for the specified picture_id.


Field Type Description Required
text Expected data type: string | Description: The text for the picture title. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "picture_title": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title[/:picture_title_id]"
              "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The text for the picture title."

GET /listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title[/:picture_title_id]

The PictureTitle GET entity allows the retrieving of one picture title by the picture_title_id for the specified picture.


Field Type Description Required
text Expected data type: string | Description: The text for the picture title. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title[/:picture_title_id]"
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The text for the picture title."

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title[/:picture_title_id]

The PictureTitle PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing picture title for the specified picture. Via this method you can set the title in English and German for an existing picture.


Field Type Description Required
text Expected data type: string | Description: The text for the picture title. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The text for the picture title."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/picture/:picture_id/picture-title[/:picture_title_id]"
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The text for the picture title."


The AdditionalCharge service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve additional charges / costs. In order to use the entity endpoint, you will need to know the additional_charge_id which you can get by using the GET collection. Please notice, that you cannot combine all additional charge ids with all additional charge unit ids, the combination is also related to whether if the charge is optional or not. If optional is false, you can send following combinations (additional_charge_id => additional_charge_unit_id): [1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 1, 5 => 1, 6 => 1, 7 => 1, 8 => 1, 9 => 1, 10 => 1, 11 => 1, 12 => 1, 13 => 1, 14 => 1, 15 => 1, 16 => 1, 17 => 1, 18 => 1, 19 => 1, 20 => 1, 21 => 1, 22 => 1, 23 => 1, 24 => 1, 25 => 1, 26 => 1, 27 => 1, 29 => 1, 5 => 2, 6 => 2, 15 => 2, 16 => 2, 18 => 2, 19 => 2, 20 => 2, 26 => 2, 29 => 2, 5 => 3, 6 => 3, 29 => 3, 1 => 5, 2 => 5, 3 => 5, 4 => 5, 7 => 5, 8 => 5, 9 => 5, 13 => 5, 14 => 5, 15 => 5, 16 => 5, 21 => 5, 22 => 5, 23 => 5, 24 => 5, 25 => 5, 27 => 5, 28 => 5, 7 => 6, 8 => 6, 22 => 6, 8 => 7, 9 => 7, 17 => 7, 21 => 8, 10 => 9, 11 => 9, 12 => 9, 15 => 9, 21 => 9, 2 => 10, 3 => 10, 4 => 10, 7 => 10, 8 => 10, 9 => 10, 12 => 10, 13 => 10, 14 => 10, 21 => 10, 22 => 10, 23 => 10, 24 => 10, 25 => 10, 2 => 11, 3 => 11, 4 => 11, 12 => 11, 21 => 11, 23 => 11, 3 => 12, 4 => 12, 14 => 12, 21 => 12, 25 => 12, 27 => 12, 10 => 13, 11 => 13, 15 => 13, 1 => 14, 22 => 15, 3 => 16, 4 => 16, 5 => 16, 6 => 16, 9 => 16, 30 => 16, 31 => 16] If optional is true, you can send following combinations (additional_charge_id => additional_charge_unit_id): [5 => 2, 5 => 3, 6 => 2, 6 => 3, 22 => 5, 22 => 6, 22 => 10, 22 => 15, 24 => 5, 24 => 10, 29 => 2, 29 => 3]

GET /listing/:listing_id/additional-charge

The AdditionalCharge GET collection allows the retrieving of all additional charges for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
additional_charge_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package YES
additional_charge_unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night YES
optional Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false YES
price Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "additional_charge": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge[/:additional_charge_id]"
              "additional_charge_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package, 30 => maintenance costs, 31 => environmental tax",
              "additional_charge_unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night",
              "optional": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false",
              "price": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0"

POST /listing/:listing_id/additional-charge

The AdditionalCharge POST collection allows the creation of new additional charges for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
additional_charge_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package YES
additional_charge_unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night YES
optional Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false YES
price Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "additional_charge_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package, 30 => maintenance costs, 31 => environmental tax",
   "additional_charge_unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night",
   "optional": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false",
   "price": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge[/:additional_charge_id]"
   "additional_charge_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package, 30 => maintenance costs, 31 => environmental tax",
   "additional_charge_unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night",
   "optional": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false",
   "price": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/additional-charge

The AdditionalCharge DELETE collection allows the deletion of all additional charges for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
additional_charge_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package YES
additional_charge_unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night YES
optional Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false YES
price Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/additional-charge[/:additional_charge_id]

The AdditionalCharge GET entity allows the retrieving of one additional charge by the additional_charge_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
additional_charge_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package YES
additional_charge_unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night YES
optional Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false YES
price Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge[/:additional_charge_id]"
   "additional_charge_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package, 30 => maintenance costs, 31 => environmental tax",
   "additional_charge_unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night",
   "optional": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false",
   "price": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/additional-charge[/:additional_charge_id]

The AdditionalCharge PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing additional charge for a specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a entity instead of deleting it and creating a new one, if you want to change the price or the optional flag for one charge. You cannot change the additional_charge_id or the additional_charge_unit_id via patch.


Field Type Description Required
additional_charge_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package YES
additional_charge_unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night YES
optional Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false YES
price Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "additional_charge_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package, 30 => maintenance costs, 31 => environmental tax",
   "additional_charge_unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night",
   "optional": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false",
   "price": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/additional-charge[/:additional_charge_id]"
   "additional_charge_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package, 30 => maintenance costs, 31 => environmental tax",
   "additional_charge_unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night",
   "optional": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false",
   "price": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/additional-charge[/:additional_charge_id]

The AdditionalCharge DELETE entity allows the deletion of one additional charge by the additional_charge_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
additional_charge_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of additional charges. | Allowed values: 1 => cleaning, 2 => pets, 3 => tourist tax for adults, 4 => tourist tax for children, 5 => bed linen, 6 => towels, 7 => electricity, 8 => gas, 9 => water, 10 => washing machine, 11 => dryer, 12 => garage for parking, 13 => cot, 14 => highchair, 15 => sauna, 16 => pool, 17 => firewood, 18 => breakfast, 19 => half board, 20 => full board, 21 => internet, 22 => heater, 23 => dog, 24 => air conditioner, 25 => crib, 26 => bread service, 27 => bicycle, 28 => booking fee, 29 => laundry package YES
additional_charge_unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different units of charges. | Allowed values: 1 => inclusive, 2 => per person, 3 => per object, 4 => per room, 5 => unique, 6 => per kwh, 7 => per cubic meter, 8 => per minute, 9 => per hour, 10 => per night, 11 => per week, 12 => per day, 13 => per usage, 14 => optional, 15 => per liter, 16 => per person per night YES
optional Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the costs are optional or not. The costs are optional, if the field is true. The costs are not optional, if the filed is false. The field is false, if it is empty or contains 0 / false. | Allowed values: true or false YES
price Expected data type: double or integer | Description: The amount of costs for the additional charge. The amount must be over 0 unless you defined the additional charge unit inclusive, than it must be 0. | Allowed values: numbers that are greater than 0 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The Arrival service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve arrival days. You can enter multiple arrival days for each property, or you can enter one of the alternative options (on agreement or every day). In order to use the entity endpoint you will need the day_id which can be retrieved from GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/arrival

The Arrival GET collection allows the retrieving of all arrival days for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
day_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "arrival": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival[/:arrival_id]"
              "day_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of arrival days. | Allowed values:  -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays"

POST /listing/:listing_id/arrival

The Arrival POST collection allows the creation of new arrival days for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
day_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "day_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of arrival days. | Allowed values:  -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival[/:arrival_id]"
   "day_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of arrival days. | Allowed values:  -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/arrival

The Arrival DELETE collection allows the deletion of all arrival days for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
day_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/arrival[/:arrival_id]

The Arrival GET entity allows the retrieving of one arrival day by the day_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
day_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival[/:arrival_id]"
   "day_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of arrival days. | Allowed values:  -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/arrival[/:arrival_id]

The Arrival DELETE entity allows the deletion of one arrival day by the day_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
day_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The Suitability service allows you to create, modify, and retrieve suitability information. It is currently not possible to delete a suitability but you can PATCH the suitability status to match your conditions. Each suitability must be unique and has a status. The status 'on request' is not allowed for the suitabilities 'non-smoker'. The other suitabilities can have any status from the suitability_status_id list. Suitability collection allows the creation, the modification and the retrieving of all suitabilities for a listing. Suitability entity allows the modification and the retrieving of one specific suitability for a listing. You have to know the suitability_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the suitability ids take a look at the Suitability GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/suitability

The Suitability GET collection allows the retrieving of all suitabilities for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
suitability_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift YES
suitability_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "suitability": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability[/:suitability_id]"
              "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
              "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"

POST /listing/:listing_id/suitability

The Suitability POST collection allows the creation of new suitabilites for the specified listing. Each suitability must be unique.


Field Type Description Required
suitability_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift YES
suitability_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
   "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability[/:suitability_id]"
   "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
   "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/suitability

The Suitability PATCH collection allows the modification of all existing suitabilities for the specified listing. It is not allowed to PATCH the suitability_id (use POST to create a new suitability). If you want to PATCH all suitabilities to the status 'on request' please have in mind that the status is not allowed for the 'non-smoker' suitability.


Field Type Description Required
suitability_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift YES
suitability_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
   "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "suitability": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability[/:suitability_id]"
              "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
              "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"

GET /listing/:listing_id/suitability[/:suitability_id]

The Suitability GET entity allows the retrieving of one suitability by the suitability_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
suitability_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift YES
suitability_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability[/:suitability_id]"
   "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
   "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/suitability[/:suitability_id]

The Suitability PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing suitability for the specified listing. It is not allowed to PATCH the suitability_id (use POST to create a new suitability). If you want to PATCH the 'non-smoker' suitability please have in mind that the status 'on request' is not allowed.


Field Type Description Required
suitability_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift YES
suitability_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
   "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/suitability[/:suitability_id]"
   "suitability_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The suitability type | Allowed values: 901 => allergy sufferers, 903 => non-smokers, 904 => pets, 905 => horses, 906 => dogs, 907 => close to the beach, 908 => railway station, 909 => airport, 910 => wheelchair accessible, 912 => families, 914 => close to the water, 917 => babies, 918 => long-term vacations, 919 => fully accessible, 920 => assemblers, 921 => close to the ski lift",
   "suitability_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The status of current suitability type | Allowed values: 1 => allowed, 2 => not allowed, 3 => on request"


The PriceOption service allows you to modify, delete and retrieve payment related information. Each listing has only one price options entry. Because the resource will be auto generated for each listing, there is no collection. The resource id you need to use is the listing_id.

GET /price-option[/:listing_id]

The PriceOption GET entity allows the retrieving of the payment options for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_scope_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The price scope defines, if the object price is per object or per person. | Allowed values: 1 => per person, 2 => per property NO
person_selector_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The person selector id represents the maximum amount of persons for which the price is valid. The field could be any integer value between 1 and 100 | Allowed values: numbers equal or greater than 1 NO
extra_charge_person_night Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and night. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
extra_charge_person_week Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and week. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
currency_code Expected data type: string | Description: The currency for all object prices. | Allowed values: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, CAD, AUD, BRL, CZK, DKK, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, THB, ZAR NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/price-option[/:listing_id]"
   "price_scope_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price scope defines, if the object price is per object or per person. | Allowed values: 1 => per person, 2 => per property",
   "person_selector_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The person selector id limits the amount persons for which the price is valid. | Allowed values: numbers equal or greater than 1",
   "extra_charge_person_night": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and night. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "extra_charge_person_week": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and week. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "currency_code": "Expected data type: string | Description: The currency for all object prices. | Allowed values: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, CAD, AUD, BRL, CZK, DKK, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, THB, ZAR"

PATCH /price-option[/:listing_id]

The PriceOption PATCH entity allows the modification of existing payment options for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_scope_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The price scope defines, if the object price is per object or per person. | Allowed values: 1 => per person, 2 => per property NO
person_selector_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The person selector id represents the maximum amount of persons for which the price is valid. The field could be any integer value between 1 and 100 | Allowed values: numbers equal or greater than 1 NO
extra_charge_person_night Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and night. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
extra_charge_person_week Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and week. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0 NO
currency_code Expected data type: string | Description: The currency for all object prices. | Allowed values: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, CAD, AUD, BRL, CZK, DKK, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, THB, ZAR NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "price_scope_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price scope defines, if the object price is per object or per person. | Allowed values: 1 => per person, 2 => per property",
   "person_selector_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The person selector id limits the amount persons for which the price is valid. | Allowed values: numbers equal or greater than 1",
   "extra_charge_person_night": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and night. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "extra_charge_person_week": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and week. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "currency_code": "Expected data type: string | Description: The currency for all object prices. | Allowed values: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, CAD, AUD, BRL, CZK, DKK, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, THB, ZAR"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/price-option[/:listing_id]"
   "price_scope_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price scope defines, if the object price is per object or per person. | Allowed values: 1 => per person, 2 => per property",
   "person_selector_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The person selector id limits the amount persons for which the price is valid. | Allowed values: numbers equal or greater than 1",
   "extra_charge_person_night": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and night. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "extra_charge_person_week": "Expected data type: double or integer | Description: Extra costs per person and week. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 0",
   "currency_code": "Expected data type: string | Description: The currency for all object prices. | Allowed values: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, CAD, AUD, BRL, CZK, DKK, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, THB, ZAR"


The Room service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve rooms. In order to use the entity endpoint you need the room_type_id which you can retrieve by using GET collection. Rooms with the room_type_id 18 refer to general features which are not room-specific. Every property can have this room.

GET /listing/:listing_id/room

The Room GET collection allows the retrieving of all rooms for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
room_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities YES
listing_floor_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside NO
area Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO
room_quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "room": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room[/:room_id]"
              "room_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities",
              "listing_floor_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside",
              "area": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1",
              "room_quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1"

POST /listing/:listing_id/room

The Room POST collection allows the creation of new rooms for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
room_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities YES
listing_floor_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside NO
area Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO
room_quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "room_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities",
   "listing_floor_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside",
   "area": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1",
   "room_quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room[/:room_id]"
   "room_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities",
   "listing_floor_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside",
   "area": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1",
   "room_quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/room

The Room DELETE collection allows the deletion of all rooms for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
room_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities YES
listing_floor_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside NO
area Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO
room_quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/room[/:room_id]

The Room GET entity allows the retrieving of one room by the room_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
room_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities YES
listing_floor_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside NO
area Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO
room_quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room[/:room_id]"
   "room_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities",
   "listing_floor_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside",
   "area": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1",
   "room_quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/room[/:room_id]

The Room PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing room for a specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a entity instead of deleting it and creating a new one, if you want to change the floor, area or the amount of rooms.


Field Type Description Required
room_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities YES
listing_floor_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside NO
area Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO
room_quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "room_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities",
   "listing_floor_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside",
   "area": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1",
   "room_quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room[/:room_id]"
   "room_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities",
   "listing_floor_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside",
   "area": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1",
   "room_quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/room[/:room_id]

The Room DELETE entity allows the deletion of one room by the room_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
room_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of rooms. | Allowed values: 1 => living room, 2 => bed room, 3 => child's room, 4 => kitchen, 5 => dining room, 6 => living kitchen, 7 => living dining room, 8 => bathroom, 9 => guest wc, 10 => terrace, 11 => balcony, 12 => reception room, 13 => living bed room, 14 => library, 15 => garden, 16 => wellness, 18 => general facilities, 20 => storeroom, 21 => corridor, 22 => one room apartment, 23 => washroom, 24 => kitchenette, 25 => boiler room, 26 => veranda, 27 => roof terrace, 28 => bad en suite, 30 => gallery, 31 => conservatory, 32 => storeroom facilities YES
listing_floor_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different floor of listings. | Allowed values: 2 => cellar, 3 => ground floor, 4 => basement, 5 => raised ground floor, 6 => first floor, 7 => second floor, 8 => third floor, 9 => fourth floor, 10 => fifth floor, 11 => top floor, 12 => outside NO
area Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of square meter of a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO
room_quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of this type of rooms for a specific listing. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The Equipment service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve the room equipment. It requires the room_id from the specified listing you want to edit. You can retrieve this id by using the Room service GET collection. The parameters quantity and size are only available for the feature_id of beds. In order to use the entity endpoint, you will need the feature_id which you can retrieve by using the GET collection. There are some feature ids which can only be added to rooms with the room_type_id 18, these rooms are generic/general and don't accept other feature ids: 107, 108, 109, 110, 119, 121, 128, 129, 140, 142, 143, 144, 154, 161, 162, 163, 210, 505, 506, 507, 508, 1021, 1035, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1080, 1081

GET /listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment

The Equipment GET collection allows the retrieving of all features for a specified room.


Field Type Description Required
feature_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid) YES
quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds. NO
size Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200" This field is only allowed for the beds. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "equipment": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment[/:equipment_id]"
              "feature_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid)",
              "quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds.",
              "size": "Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200"  This field is only allowed for the beds."

POST /listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment

The Equipment POST collection allows the creation of new features for a specified room.


Field Type Description Required
feature_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid) YES
quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds. NO
size Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200" This field is only allowed for the beds. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "feature_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid)",
   "quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds.",
   "size": "Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200"  This field is only allowed for the beds."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment[/:equipment_id]"
   "feature_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid)",
   "quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds.",
   "size": "Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200"  This field is only allowed for the beds."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment

The Equipment DELETE collection allows the deletion of all features for a specified room.


Field Type Description Required
feature_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid) YES
quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds. NO
size Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200" This field is only allowed for the beds. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment[/:equipment_id]

The Equipment GET entity allows the retrieving of one feature by the feature_id for a specified room.


Field Type Description Required
feature_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid) YES
quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds. NO
size Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200" This field is only allowed for the beds. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment[/:equipment_id]"
   "feature_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid)",
   "quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds.",
   "size": "Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200"  This field is only allowed for the beds."

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment[/:equipment_id]

The Equipment PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing feature for a specified room. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a entity instead of deleting it and creating a new one, if you want to change the quantity or the description for a specified feature.


Field Type Description Required
feature_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid) YES
quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds. NO
size Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200" This field is only allowed for the beds. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "feature_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid)",
   "quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds.",
   "size": "Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200"  This field is only allowed for the beds."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment[/:equipment_id]"
   "feature_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid)",
   "quantity": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds.",
   "size": "Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200"  This field is only allowed for the beds."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/room/:room_id/equipment[/:equipment_id]

The Equipment DELETE entity allows the deletion of one feature by the feature_id for a specified room.


Field Type Description Required
feature_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of features. | Allowed values: 101 => tv antenna, 102 => tv sat/cable, 103 => radio, 104 => microwave, 105 => oven, 106 => grill, 107 => phone, 108 => fax, 109 => internet-access, 110 => computer, 111 => chimney, 112 => garden furniture, 113 => cot, 114 => additional bed, 115 => sauna, 116 => hot tub, 117 => steam bath, 118 => tanning bed, 119 => room service, 120 => bed linen, 121 => laundry service, 122 => hair dryer, 123 => air condition, 124 => refrigerator, 127 => water bed, 128 => dryer, 129 => washing machine, 130 => dishwasher, 131 => child bed, 132 => stereo system, 134 => VCR, 135 => freezing compartment, 136 => freezer, 137 => piano, 138 => kettle, 140 => safe, 141 => DVD-player, 142 => internet-access (ISDN), 143 => internet-access (DSL), 144 => WIFI-access, 145 => coffee machine, 146 => toaster, 147 => egg cooker, 148 => sandwich toaster, 149 => kitchenette, 150 => stove, 151 => fireplace, 152 => cooker (2), 153 => cooker (4), 154 => central heating, 155 => exercise room, 157 => gas stove, 158 => electric kitchen stove, 159 => ceramic stove top, 160 => induction cooker, 161 => electric iron, 162 => ironing board, 163 => clotheshorse, 164 => cooker (3), 201 => toilet, 202 => shower, 204 => bathtub, 205 => bidet, 206 => wash basin, 207 => double wash basin, 208 => towels, 209 => guest toilet, 210 => hot water, 211 => tea towels, 212 => high chair, 501 => garden, 502 => barbecue, 503 => playground, 504 => swimming pool, 505 => private parking, 506 => garage, 507 => pier, 508 => boat dock, 509 => terrace, 510 => balcony, 511 => shared swimming pool, 512 => table tennis, 514 => lawn, 515 => sun loungers, 921 => pool table, 922 => CD player, 973 => fan, 974 => double bed, 975 => loft bed, 976 => bunk bed, 979 => sofa bed, 981 => single bed, 990 => crockery, 991 => electric grill, 992 => food processor, 993 => relaxation room, 994 => sunshade, 995 => sandpit, 996 => swing, 997 => pond, 998 => make-up mirror, 999 => folding bed, 1000 => wardrobe, 1001 => garden shower, 1017 => heated floor, 1018 => charcoal grill, 1019 => gas grill, 1020 => electric grill outside, 1021 => vacuum cleaner, 1022 => fly screen, 1023 => sun umbrella, 1025 => king size bed, 1026 => coat rack, 1027 => mirror, 1028 => shoe bin, 1029 => dresser, 1030 => infrared cabin, 1031 => tv digital, 1032 => dining table, 1033 => kicker, 1034 => darts, 1035 => cleaning supplies, 1036 => books, 1039 => awning, 1041 => beach chair, 1042 => garden house, 1043 => bread service, 1044 => boat, 1045 => carport, 1046 => laptop, 1047 => fire alarm, 1048 => alarm system, 1049 => stair gates, 1050 => first-aid kit, 1051 => ski boot heater, 1052 => bicycles, 1053 => wind shield, 1054 => slide, 1055 => trampoline, 1056 => fold-away bed, 1057 => babyphone, 1058 => changing mat, 1059 => children toilet seat, 1060 => bottle warmer, 1061 => socket protector, 1062 => toys, 1063 => coloring book / pens, 1064 => bathrobe, 1065 => walk in shower, 1066 => bath towels, 1068 => window, 1069 => CDs / DVDs 1070 => game console, 1071 => blu-ray player, 1072 => games, 1075 => mixer, 1076 => spices, 1077 => couch, 1078 => armchair, 1079 => desk, 1080 => charging station for electric cars (free), 1081 => charging station for electric cars (paid) YES
quantity Expected data type: integer | Description: The amount of features for a specific room. | Allowed values: numbers greater than 1 This field is only allowed for the beds. NO
size Expected data type: string | Description: The size of a bed. | Allowed values: "120x200" or "200" This field is only allowed for the beds. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The Contact service allows you to modify and retrieve contact information. The resource without any information will be automatically generated for every new listing. Because every listing has only one contact resource it is not possible to send DELETE/POST requests, also there are no collection methods. You can only PATCH, GET and PUT the resource entity by the listing_id as the service locator. In the email field you can add multiple email addresses just separate them with a comma. The email could look like "test@mail.de" or "test@mail.de, test2@mail.de".

GET /contact[/:listing_id]

The Contact GET entity allows the retrieving of the contact information by the listing_id.


Field Type Description Required
salutation_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs. NO
operator_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person NO
last_name Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person. NO
company Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name) NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person. NO
alternative_phone Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person. NO
mobile Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person. NO
fax Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person. NO
email Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person. YES
website Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person. NO
sms Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver. NO
sms_service Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/contact[/:listing_id]"
   "salutation_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs.",
   "operator_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person.",
   "company": "Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name)",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person.",
   "alternative_phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person.",
   "mobile": "Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person.",
   "fax": "Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person.",
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person.",
   "website": "Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person.",
   "sms": "Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver.",
   "sms_service": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active."

PATCH /contact[/:listing_id]

The Contact PATCH entity allows the modfication of the contact data for the listing. In the email field you can add multiple email addresses just separate them with a comma. The email could look like "test@mail.de" or "test@mail.de, test2@mail.de".


Field Type Description Required
salutation_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs. NO
operator_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person NO
last_name Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person. NO
company Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name) NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person. NO
alternative_phone Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person. NO
mobile Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person. NO
fax Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person. NO
email Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person. YES
website Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person. NO
sms Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver. NO
sms_service Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "salutation_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs.",
   "operator_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person.",
   "company": "Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name)",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person.",
   "alternative_phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person.",
   "mobile": "Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person.",
   "fax": "Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person.",
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person.",
   "website": "Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person.",
   "sms": "Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver.",
   "sms_service": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/contact[/:listing_id]"
   "salutation_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs.",
   "operator_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person.",
   "company": "Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name)",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person.",
   "alternative_phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person.",
   "mobile": "Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person.",
   "fax": "Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person.",
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person.",
   "website": "Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person.",
   "sms": "Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver.",
   "sms_service": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active."

PUT /contact[/:listing_id]

The Contact PUT entity allows the modfication of the contact data for the listing. In comparison to the Contact PATCH entity the PUT entity will overwrite all data to 'null' which is not given in the request! If you want to modify one attribute without affecting the other attributes you must use the PATCH entity. Also the PUT entity will check if the required fields are given (PATCH entity do not check it). In the email field you can add multiple email addresses just separate them with a comma. The email could look like "test@mail.de" or "test@mail.de, test2@mail.de".


Field Type Description Required
salutation_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs. NO
operator_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency NO
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person NO
last_name Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person. NO
company Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name) NO
phone Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person. NO
alternative_phone Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person. NO
mobile Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person. NO
fax Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person. NO
email Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person. YES
website Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person. NO
sms Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver. NO
sms_service Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "salutation_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs.",
   "operator_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person.",
   "company": "Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name)",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person.",
   "alternative_phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person.",
   "mobile": "Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person.",
   "fax": "Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person.",
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person.",
   "website": "Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person.",
   "sms": "Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver.",
   "sms_service": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/contact[/:listing_id]"
   "salutation_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The salutation of the contact person | Allowed values: 2=> Mr., 3=> Ms., 4 => family, 8 => company, 9 => Mrs.",
   "operator_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type how the contact person operates | Allowed values: 1 => landlord, 2 => mediator, 3 => agency",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the contact person",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the contact person.",
   "company": "Expected data type: string | Description: The company name of the contact person. (e.g. agency name)",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the contact person.",
   "alternative_phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The alternative phone number of the contact person.",
   "mobile": "Expected data type: string | Description: The mobile number of the contact person.",
   "fax": "Expected data type: string | Description: The fax number of the contact person.",
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the contact person.",
   "website": "Expected data type: string | Description: The website of the contact person.",
   "sms": "Expected data type: string | Description: The sms number of the sms receiver.",
   "sms_service": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: The status, if sms notifications are active."


The Text service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve texts for different purposes. Every text can currently be created in English and German with the ISO-639-2 T/B language code. The language code in the response will always be in ISO-639-2 T (the B type is only a feature for you to be more flexible, internal the API only works with the T type). In online listings the following text type ids are not allowed to change or delete because the sales/support team optimises your texts for search engines: 1, 2, 11, 13 and 17. You can find the description of the ids in the field documentation. Text collection allows the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all texts for a listing. Text entity allows the modification, the deletion and the retrieving of one specific text for a listing. You have to know the text_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the proper text_id take a look at the Text GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/text

The Text GET collection allows the retrieving of all texts for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
text_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "text": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text[/:text_id]"
              "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
              "text_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies",
              "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text."

POST /listing/:listing_id/text

The Text POST collection allows the creation of a new text/multiple texts for the listing. Each text type is unique per language and can only be created once.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
text_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "text_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text[/:text_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "text_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/text

The Text DELETE collection allows the deletion of all texts for the listing. This will probably only work in offline listings because in online listings a bunch of texts are not deletable. Take a look at the list of not deletable texts in the REST service description


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
text_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/text[/:text_id]

The Text GET entity allows the retrieving of one text by the text_id for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
text_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text[/:text_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "text_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text."

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/text[/:text_id]

The Text PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing text for the listing. Some texts are not patchable in online listings. Take a look at the list of not deletable texts in the REST service description


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
text_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "text_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/text[/:text_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "text_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/text[/:text_id]

The Text DELETE entity allows the deletion of one text by the text_id for the listing. Some texts are not deletable in online listings. Take a look at the list of not deletable texts in the REST service description


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
text_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The text type | Allowed values: 1 => listing title, 2 => short description, 3 => landlord description, 4 => arrival description, 7 => special attributes, 8 => free time activities, 11 => listing description, 13 => surroundings description, 17 => vacation area description, 18 => service availability, 21 => cancellation policies YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The meaningful description text. YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The TravelTime service allows you to modify, delete and retrieve the time of arrival and departure. Each listing can only have one arrival and one departure time. Because the resource will be auto generated for each listing, there is no collection. The resource id you need to use is the listing_id.

GET /travel-time[/:listing_id]

The TravelTime GET entity allows the retrieving of the travel times for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
hour_id_arrival Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id arrival defines the time at which the vacationer can arrive. | Allowed values: -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four NO
hour_id_departure Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id departure defines the time at which the vacationer can departure. | Allowed values: -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/travel-time[/:listing_id]"
   "hour_id_arrival": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id arrival defines the time at which the vacationer can arrive. | Allowed values:  -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four",
   "hour_id_departure": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id departure defines the time at which the vacationer can departure. | Allowed values:  -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four"

PATCH /travel-time[/:listing_id]

The TravelTime PATCH entity allows the modification of existing travel times for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
hour_id_arrival Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id arrival defines the time at which the vacationer can arrive. | Allowed values: -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four NO
hour_id_departure Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id departure defines the time at which the vacationer can departure. | Allowed values: -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "hour_id_arrival": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id arrival defines the time at which the vacationer can arrive. | Allowed values:  -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four",
   "hour_id_departure": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id departure defines the time at which the vacationer can departure. | Allowed values:  -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/travel-time[/:listing_id]"
   "hour_id_arrival": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id arrival defines the time at which the vacationer can arrive. | Allowed values:  -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four",
   "hour_id_departure": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The hour id departure defines the time at which the vacationer can departure. | Allowed values:  -1 => on agreement, 1 => one, 2 => two, 3 => three, 4 => four, 5 => five, 6 => six, 7 => seven, 8 => eight, 9 => nine, 10 => ten, 11 => eleven, 12 => twelve, 13 => thirteen, 14 => fourteen, 15 => fifteen, 16 => sixteen, 17 => seventeen, 18 => eighteen, 19 => nineteen, 20 => twenty, 21 => twenty one, 22 => twenty two, 23 => twenty three, 24 => twenty four"


The Language service allows you to create, delete and retrieve the languages spoken by the owner or contact person. Every language must be a ISO-639-2 T/B language code. The language code in the response will always be in ISO-639-2 B (the T type is only a feature for you to be more flexible, internal the API only works with the B type). You can view the currently supported language codes in the field description. Language collection allows the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all languages for a listing. Language entity allows the deletion and the retrieving of one specific language by the language_id. You can retrieve the proper language_id in the Language collection GET method. It is not possible to PATCH an entity, if you want to switch a language you have to DELETE the old one and create a new resource.

GET /listing/:listing_id/language

The Language GET collection allows the retrieving of all languages for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE" YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "language": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language[/:language_id]"
              "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE""

POST /listing/:listing_id/language

The Language POST collection allows the creation of a new language/multiple languages for the listing. Each language is unique and can only be created once.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE" YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE""


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language[/:language_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE""

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/language

The Language DELETE collection allows the deletion of all languages for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE" YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/language[/:language_id]

The Language GET entity allows the retrieving of one language by the language_id.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE" YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/language[/:language_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE""

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/language[/:language_id]

The Language DELETE entity allows the deletion of one language by the language_id.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language as ISO-639-2 B/T code spoken by the contact person or owner. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER", "ARA", "BEN", "CHI", "ZHO", "HRV", "CZE", "CES", "DAN", "DUT", "NLD", "FIN", "FRE", "FRA", "GRE", "ELL", "HEB", "HUN", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR", "NOR", "PER", "FAS", "POL", "POR", "RUS", "SRP", "SLO", "SLK", "SLV", "WEN", "SPA", "SWE", "THA", "TUR", "VIE" YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The Address service allows you to modify and retrieve address related information.The resource without any information will be auto generated for every new listing. Because every listing has only one address resource, it is not possible to send DELETE/POST requests, as well as there are no collection methods. You can only PATCH and GET the resource entity with the listing_id as the service locator. The PATCH method can only be executed for offline listings. If the address of your online listing changed (for whatever reason) please contact the sales/support team.

GET /address[/:listing_id]

The Address GET entity allows the retrieving of the address information by the listing_id.


Field Type Description Required
street Expected data type: string | Description: The street where the vacation apartment is located. YES
zip Expected data type: string | Description: The postal code where the vacation apartment is located. YES
city Expected data type: string | Description: The city where the vacation apartment is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the vacation apartment is located. NO
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the vacation apartment is located. NO
hide_exact_position Expected data type: boolean | Description: If 'true' then the position on the map will be displayed approximately. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/address[/:listing_id]"
   "street": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The postal code where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "hide_exact_position": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: If 'true' then the position on the map will be displayed approximately."

PATCH /address[/:listing_id]

The Address PATCH entity allows the modfication of the address data in offline listings. It is not allowed to change the address data in online listings. Please contact the support/sales team in this particular case.


Field Type Description Required
street Expected data type: string | Description: The street where the vacation apartment is located. YES
zip Expected data type: string | Description: The postal code where the vacation apartment is located. YES
city Expected data type: string | Description: The city where the vacation apartment is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the vacation apartment is located. NO
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the vacation apartment is located. NO
hide_exact_position Expected data type: boolean | Description: If 'true' then the position on the map will be displayed approximately. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "street": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The postal code where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "hide_exact_position": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: If 'true' then the position on the map will be displayed approximately."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/address[/:listing_id]"
   "street": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The postal code where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the vacation apartment is located.",
   "hide_exact_position": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: If 'true' then the position on the map will be displayed approximately."


The LeisureActivity service allows you to create, delete, and retrieve the leisure activities for a listing. It is currently not possible to PATCH a leisure activity but you can DELETE the old and POST the new activity. Each leisure activity must be unique and can only be created once. LeisureActivity collection allows the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all leisure activities for a listing. LeisureActivity entity allows the deletion and the retrieving of one specific leisure activity for a listing. You have to know the leisure_activity_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the leisure activity ids take a look at the LeisureActivity GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity

The LeisureActivity GET collection allows the retrieving of all leisure activities for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
leisure_activity_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "leisure_activity": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity[/:leisure_activity_id]"
              "leisure_activity_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo"

POST /listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity

The LeisureActivity POST collection allows the creation of new leisure activities for the specified listing. Each activity must be unique.


Field Type Description Required
leisure_activity_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "leisure_activity_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity[/:leisure_activity_id]"
   "leisure_activity_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity

The LeisureActivity DELETE collection allows the deletion of all leisure activities for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
leisure_activity_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity[/:leisure_activity_id]

The LeisureActivity GET entity allows the retrieving of one leisure activity by the leisure_activity_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
leisure_activity_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity[/:leisure_activity_id]"
   "leisure_activity_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/leisure-activity[/:leisure_activity_id]

The LeisureActivity DELETE entity allows the deletion of one leisure activity by the leisure_activity_id for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
leisure_activity_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The leisure activity type | Allowed values: 1012 => archery, 704 => badminton, 937 => barbecue, 924 => basketball, 1007 => beachvolleyball, 710 => bicycle rental, 725 => biking/ cycling, 965 => birdwatching, 925 => bowling, 927 => bungee jumping, 947 => campfire, 971 => camping, 944 => canoeing, 1016 => casino, 946 => cinema, 1008 => coach rides, 714 => cross-country skiing, 1024 => culture, 961 => dancing, 930 => delphine watching, 702 => downhill skiing, 701 => fishing, 989 => football, 1004 => game barn/ indoor playground, 935 => geocaching, 1014 => gliding, 711 => golf, 709 => gym, 706 => hang-gliding, 1003 => harbour tour, 1010 => high rope course, 705 => hiking, 939 => hockey, 716 => horse riding, 703 => ballooning, 732 => hot springs, 942 => hunting, 730 => skating, 736 => indoor swimming pool, 941 => inline skating, 943 => jet skiing, 712 => jogging, 945 => kart racing, 734 => kitesurfing, 715 => mini golf, 928 => motocross, 949 => mountain biking, 727 => mountain hiking, 729 => mountaineering, 1009 => mudflat hiking, 982 => museums, 950 => nightlife, 1006 => nordic walking, 708 => open-air pool, 951 => outlet shopping, 952 => rowing, 953 => paintball, 722 => paragliding, 964 => paddleboat, 983 => playground, 955 => rafting, 728 => rock climbing, 735 => sailing, 721 => scuba diving, 1002 => shipping/boat trip, 960 => sightseeing, 713 => skittles/bowling, 1015 => skydiving, 717 => sledding, 958 => snorkeling, 1005 => snowboard, 986 => wellness, 987 => spa, 718 => squash, 1011 => summer toboggan, 733 => surfing, 726 => swimming, 737 => table tennis, 724 => tennis, 962 => theatre, 934 => theme park, 929 => urban golf, 988 => volleyball, 966 => wakeboarding, 707 => water park, 720 => aquatic sports, 970 => water-tubing, 968 => waterskiing, 967 => whale watching, 719 => windsurfing, 1013 => wine tasting, 972 => zoo YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The PaymentMethod service allows you to create, delete and retrieve payment methods. In order to use the entity endpoint, you will need the payment_method_id which you can retrieve by using the GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/payment-method

The PaymentMethod GET collection allows the retrieving of all payment methods for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
payment_method_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of payment methods. | Allowed values: 1 => credit card, 2 => cash, 3 => bank transfer, 4 => cash card, 5 => Paypal, 6 => direct debit YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/payment-method"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/payment-method?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/payment-method?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/payment-method?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/payment-method?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "payment_method": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/payment-method[/:payment_method_id]"
              "payment_method_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of payment methods. | Allowed values: 1 => credit card, 2 => cash, 3 => bank transfer, 4 => cash card, 5 => Paypal, 6 => direct debit"

POST /listing/:listing_id/payment-method

The PaymentMethod POST collection allows the creation of new payment methods for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
payment_method_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of payment methods. | Allowed values: 1 => credit card, 2 => cash, 3 => bank transfer, 4 => cash card, 5 => Paypal, 6 => direct debit YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "payment_method_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of payment methods. | Allowed values: 1 => credit card, 2 => cash, 3 => bank transfer, 4 => cash card, 5 => Paypal, 6 => direct debit"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/payment-method[/:payment_method_id]"
   "payment_method_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of payment methods. | Allowed values: 1 => credit card, 2 => cash, 3 => bank transfer, 4 => cash card, 5 => Paypal, 6 => direct debit"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/payment-method

The PaymentMethod DELETE collection allows the deletion of all payment methods for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
payment_method_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of payment methods. | Allowed values: 1 => credit card, 2 => cash, 3 => bank transfer, 4 => cash card, 5 => Paypal, 6 => direct debit YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/payment-method[/:payment_method_id]

The PaymentMethod DELETE entity allows the deletion of one payment method by the payment_method_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
payment_method_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of payment methods. | Allowed values: 1 => credit card, 2 => cash, 3 => bank transfer, 4 => cash card, 5 => Paypal, 6 => direct debit YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The PriceNote service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve price notes. By posting collections, you can create one price note with different languages (each of these notes will still have a unique price_option_id). In order to use the entity endpoint, you will need the price_option_id which you can retrieve by using GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/price-note

The PriceNote GET collection allows the retrieving of all price notes for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_note Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text YES
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU" => german, "ENG" => english, "GER" => german YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "price_note": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note[/:price_note_id]"
              "price_note": "Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text",
              "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. |  Allowed Values: "DEU" => german,  "ENG" => english, "GER" => german"

POST /listing/:listing_id/price-note

The PriceNote POST collection allows the creation of one new price note for a specified listing. You can create only one price note per POST, multiple notes are allowed only for different languages and will be bound to the same price note as price note text.


Field Type Description Required
price_note Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text YES
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU" => german, "ENG" => english, "GER" => german YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "price_note": "Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text",
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. |  Allowed Values: "DEU" => german,  "ENG" => english, "GER" => german"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note[/:price_note_id]"
   "price_note": "Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text",
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. |  Allowed Values: "DEU" => german,  "ENG" => english, "GER" => german"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/price-note

The PriceNote DELETE collection allows the deletion of all price notes for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_note Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text YES
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU" => german, "ENG" => english, "GER" => german YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/price-note[/:price_note_id]

The PriceNote GET entity allows the retrieving of one price note by the price_note_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_note Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text YES
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU" => german, "ENG" => english, "GER" => german YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note[/:price_note_id]"
   "price_note": "Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text",
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. |  Allowed Values: "DEU" => german,  "ENG" => english, "GER" => german"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/price-note[/:price_note_id]

The PriceNote PATCH entity allows the modification of one price note for a specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a entity instead of deleting it and creating a new one, if you want to change the text. Language cannot be changed via PATCH.


Field Type Description Required
price_note Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text YES
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU" => german, "ENG" => english, "GER" => german YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "price_note": "Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text",
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. |  Allowed Values: "DEU" => german,  "ENG" => english, "GER" => german"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/price-note[/:price_note_id]"
   "price_note": "Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text",
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. |  Allowed Values: "DEU" => german,  "ENG" => english, "GER" => german"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/price-note[/:price_note_id]

The PriceNote DELETE entity allows the deletion of one price note by the price_note_id for a specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_note Expected data type: string | Description: Additional price notes for the specified listing. Allowed values: general text YES
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given text. | Allowed Values: "DEU" => german, "ENG" => english, "GER" => german YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The Distance service allows you to create, delete, modify and retrieve the distances to different places near the apartment. It is currently not possible to PATCH the place_type_id, because each place_type_id must be unique and represents the resource id. Distance collection allows the creation, the deletion, the modification and the retrieving of all distances for a listing. Distance entity allows the deletion, the modification and the retrieving of one specific distance for a listing. You have to know the distance_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the distance ids take a look at the Distance GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/distance

The Distance GET collection allows the retrieving of all distances for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id YES
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3 YES
place_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "distance": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]"
              "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
              "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
              "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"

POST /listing/:listing_id/distance

The Distance POST collection allows the creation of new distances for the specified listing. Each place_type_id must be unique.


Field Type Description Required
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id YES
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3 YES
place_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
   "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]"
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
   "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/distance

The Distance PATCH collection allows the modification of all existing distances for the specified listing. It is not allowed to PATCH the place_type_id because every place_type_id must be unique.


Field Type Description Required
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id YES
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3 YES
place_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
   "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "distance": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]"
              "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
              "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
              "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/distance

The Distance DELETE collection allows the deletion of all distances for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id YES
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3 YES
place_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]

The Distance GET entity allows the retrieving of one distance by the distance_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id YES
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3 YES
place_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]"
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
   "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]

The Distance PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing distance for the specified listing. It is not allowed to PATCH the place_type_id.


Field Type Description Required
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id YES
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3 YES
place_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
   "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]"
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id",
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3",
   "place_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/distance[/:distance_id]

The Distance DELETE entity allows the deletion of one distance by the distance_id.


Field Type Description Required
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance to the place defined with the place_type_id in the unit definied with the unit_id YES
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: meter => -1, kilometer => 1, miles => 3 YES
place_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The type of place. | Allowed Values: airport => 1, railway station => 2, ferry => 3, beach => 5, water => 6, shops => 7, restaurant => 8, ski lift => 9, doctor => 10, nachtleben => 11, downtown => 12, bus stop => 13 YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The DestinationSuggestion service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve suggestions for different destinations near the apartment. It is currently not possible to PATCH the category_id for collections because we assume that not every suggestion should be in the same category. DestinationSuggestion collection allows the creation, the deletion, the modification and the retrieving of all suggestions for a listing. DestinationSuggestion entity allows the modification, the deletion and the retrieving of one specific suggestion for a listing. You must know the destination_suggestion_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the destination suggestion ids take a look at the DestinationSuggestion GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion

The DestinationSuggestion GET collection allows the retrieving of suggestions for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles YES
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination. YES
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "destination_suggestion": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]"
              "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
              "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
              "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
              "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
              "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"

POST /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion

The DestinationSuggestion POST collection allows the creation of new suggestions for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles YES
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination. YES
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]"
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion

The DestinationSuggestion PATCH collection allows the modification of all existing suggestions for the specified listing. It is not allowed to PATCH the category_id.


Field Type Description Required
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles YES
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination. YES
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "destination_suggestion": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]"
              "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
              "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
              "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
              "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
              "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion

The DestinationSuggestion DELETE collection allows the deletion of all suggestions for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles YES
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination. YES
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]

The DestinationSuggestion GET entity allows the retrieving of one suggestion by the destination_suggestion_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles YES
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination. YES
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]"
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]

The DestinationSuggestion PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing suggestion by the destination_suggestion_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles YES
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination. YES
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]"
   "unit_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles",
   "distance": "Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination.",
   "latitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located.",
   "longitude": "Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located.",
   "category_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion[/:destination_suggestion_id]

The DestinationSuggestion DELETE entity allows the deletion of one suggestion by the destination_suggestion_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
unit_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The unit of the distance. | Allowed Values: -1 => meter, 1 => kilometer, 3 => miles YES
distance Expected data type: double | Description: The distance from the apartment to the destination. YES
latitude Expected data type: double | Description: The latitude where the destination is located. YES
longitude Expected data type: double | Description: The longitude where the destination is located. YES
category_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The category of the destination. | Allowed values: 1 => shopping, 2 => leisure activities, 3 => health, 4 => beverages and snacks, 5 => restaurant, 6 => sights, 7 => sports, 8 => entertainment, 9 => winter sport, 10 => tourist information, 11 => miscellaneous, 12 => italian restaurant, 13 => asian restaurant, 14 => local specialties restaurant, 15 => gourmet restaurant, 16 => german restaurant, 17 => greek restaurant, 18 => international restaurant, 19 => miscellaneous restaurant, 20 => cafe, 21 => coffee shop, 22 => ice cream parlour, 23 => snack bar, 24 => fast food, 25 => bar =>, 26 => pub, 27 => beer garden, 28 => miscellaneous beverages and snacks, 29 => atm, 30 => supermarket, 31 => shopping center, 32 => bakery, 33 => butcher, 34 => kiosk, 35 => drug store, 36 => gas station, 37 => miscellaneous shopping, 38 => church, 40 => historical site, 41 => public place, 42 => nature, 43 => monument, 44 => viewpoint, 45 => miscellaneous sights, 46 => amusement park, 47 => stadium, 48 => playground, 49 => zoo, 50 => zoo2, 51 => spa, 52 => mini golf, 53 => riding stables, 54 => miscellaneous leisure activity, 55 => golf, 56 => football, 57 => tennis, 58 => public pool, 59 => fitness, 60 => squash, 61 => basketball, 62 => miscellaneous sport, 63 => bowling, billiard, 65 => video store, 66 => cinema, 67 => casino, 68 => disco, 69 => club, 70 => theatre, 71 => opera, 72 => miscellaneous entertainment, 73 => hospital, 74 => doctor, 75 => pharmacy, 76 => dentist, 77 => miscellaneous health facility, 78 => ski lift, 79 => ski bus, 80 => apres ski, 81 => miscellaneous winter sports, 82 => city, 83 => aquatic sport YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The DestinationSuggestionText service allows you to modify, retrieve, create and delete the texts for the destination suggestion. The DestinationSuggestionText service depends on the destination_suggestion_id which you can retrieve from the DestinationSuggestion service via GET. For each destination suggestion you can define two text resources, one in German and one in English. The language must be provided in the language field as a ISO-639-2 T/B language code ("DEU", "GER" and "ENG" are currently supported codes). It is not possible to change the language after creation because each language must be unique. DestinationSuggestionText collection allows the retrieving, the creation, the deletion and the modification of the two texts for a destination suggestion. DestinationSuggestionText entity allows the modification, the deletion and the retrieving of one of the two texts for the destination suggestion. You have to know the destination_suggestion_text_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the destination suggestion text ids take a look at the DestinationSuggestionText GET collection.

GET /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text

The DestinationSuggestionText GET collection allows the retrieving of the two texts for the specified destination suggestion.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
name Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination. YES
description Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "destination_suggestion_text": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]"
              "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
              "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
              "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."

POST /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text

The DestinationSuggestionText POST collection allows the creation of two new texts for the specified destination suggestion. Each language must be unique.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
name Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination. YES
description Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
   "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
   "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text

The DestinationSuggestionText DELETE collection allows the deletion of the two texts for the specified destination suggestion.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
name Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination. YES
description Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text

The DestinationSuggestionText PATCH collection allows the modification of the two texts for the specified destination suggestion. It is not allowed to patch the language because each language must be unique.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
name Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination. YES
description Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
   "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "destination_suggestion_text": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]"
              "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
              "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
              "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."

GET /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]

The DestinationSuggestionText GET entity allows the retrieving of one text by the destination_suggestion_text_id for the specified destination suggestion.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
name Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination. YES
description Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
   "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]

The DestinationSuggestionText PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing text by the destination_suggestion_text_id for the specified destination suggestion. It is not allowed to patch the language because each language must be unique.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
name Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination. YES
description Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
   "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]"
   "language": "Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER"",
   "name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination.",
   "description": "Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/destination-suggestion/:destination_suggestion_id/destination-suggestion-text[/:destination_suggestion_text_id]

The DestinationSuggestionText DELETE entity allows the deletion of one text by the destination_suggestion_text_id for the specified destination suggestion.


Field Type Description Required
language Expected data type: string | Description: The language ISO-639-2 B/T code of the given description and name. | Allowed Values: "DEU", "ENG", "GER" YES
name Expected data type: string | Description: The name of the destination. YES
description Expected data type: string | Description: The description text for the destination. NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The InquiryInformation service allows you to retrieve inquiries for specified listings. You can also change the inquiry status. In order to use this service, you have to know the listing_id.

GET /listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information

The InquiryInformation GET collection allows the retrieving of all inquiries for the listing.


Field Type Description Required
email Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the inquirer. YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The inquiry text. YES
date Expected data type: string | Description: The date of the inquiry. YES
arrival Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the reservation date. YES
number_of_adults Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the inquiry. YES
number_of_children Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the inquiry. YES
age_of_children Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children. YES
number_of_pets Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of pets from the inquiry. YES
type_of_pets Expected data type: string | Description: The type of the pets. YES
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the inquirer. YES
last_name Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the inquirer. YES
street Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the inquirer. YES
zip Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the inquirer. YES
city Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the inquirer. YES
phone_number Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the inquirer. YES
departure Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the reservation date. YES
booking_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the booking type. | Allowed values: 1 => tentative booking request, 2 => direct booking, 3 => external booking, 4 => 24h-booking YES
inquiry_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the inquiry status. | Allowed values: 3 => declined, 4 => booked, 5 => canceled, 7 => expired (24-h booking) YES
inquiry_price The total price of the inquiry YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "inquiry_information": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information[/:inquiry_information_id]"
              "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the inquirer.",
              "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The inquiry text.",
              "date": "Expected data type: string | Description: The date of the inquiry.",
              "arrival": "Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the reservation date.",
              "number_of_adults": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the inquiry.",
              "number_of_children": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the inquiry.",
              "age_of_children": "Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children.",
              "number_of_pets": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of pets from the inquiry.",
              "type_of_pets": "Expected data type: string | Description: The type of the pets.",
              "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the inquirer.",
              "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the inquirer.",
              "street": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the inquirer.",
              "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the inquirer.",
              "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the inquirer.",
              "phone_number": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the inquirer.",
              "departure": "Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the reservation date.",
              "booking_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the booking type. | Allowed values: 1 => tentative booking request, 2 => direct booking, 3 => external booking, 4 => 24h-booking",
              "inquiry_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the inquiry status. | Allowed values: 3 => declined, 4 => booked, 5 => canceled, 7 => expired (24-h booking)"

GET /listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information[/:inquiry_information_id]

The InquiryInformation GET entity allows the retrieving of one inquiry by the inquiry_id, to get the inquiry ids take a look at the InquiryInformation GET collection.


Field Type Description Required
email Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the inquirer. YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The inquiry text. YES
date Expected data type: string | Description: The date of the inquiry. YES
arrival Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the reservation date. YES
number_of_adults Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the inquiry. YES
number_of_children Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the inquiry. YES
age_of_children Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children. YES
number_of_pets Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of pets from the inquiry. YES
type_of_pets Expected data type: string | Description: The type of the pets. YES
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the inquirer. YES
last_name Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the inquirer. YES
street Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the inquirer. YES
zip Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the inquirer. YES
city Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the inquirer. YES
phone_number Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the inquirer. YES
departure Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the reservation date. YES
booking_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the booking type. | Allowed values: 1 => tentative booking request, 2 => direct booking, 3 => external booking, 4 => 24h-booking YES
inquiry_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the inquiry status. | Allowed values: 3 => declined, 4 => booked, 5 => canceled, 7 => expired (24-h booking) YES
inquiry_price The total price of the inquiry YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information[/:inquiry_information_id]"
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the inquirer.",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The inquiry text.",
   "date": "Expected data type: string | Description: The date of the inquiry.",
   "arrival": "Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the reservation date.",
   "number_of_adults": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the inquiry.",
   "number_of_children": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the inquiry.",
   "age_of_children": "Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children.",
   "number_of_pets": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of pets from the inquiry.",
   "type_of_pets": "Expected data type: string | Description: The type of the pets.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the inquirer.",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the inquirer.",
   "street": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the inquirer.",
   "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the inquirer.",
   "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the inquirer.",
   "phone_number": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the inquirer.",
   "departure": "Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the reservation date.",
   "booking_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the booking type. | Allowed values: 1 => tentative booking request, 2 => direct booking, 3 => external booking, 4 => 24h-booking",
   "inquiry_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the inquiry status. | Allowed values: 3 => declined, 4 => booked, 5 => canceled, 7 => expired (24-h booking)",
   "inquiry_price": "The total price of the inquiry"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information[/:inquiry_information_id]

The InquiryInformation PATCH enitity allows the modification of the inquiry status for one existing inquiry. The other fields can not be patched. Initially the inquiry_status_id is always 'null' (nothing) which means the inquiry is new. Now you can change the value to id 4 (booked) or id 3 (declined) to confirm or decline the inquiry. If you have confirmed the inquiry and want to cancel the booking afterwards you could easily change it to id 5 (canceled). Of course declined inquiries could not be canceled, because this does not make any sense. Also you can not change the status to the id 7 (expired) because this status will be set automatically by our system if an 24-h booking inquiry has expired.


Field Type Description Required
email Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the inquirer. YES
text Expected data type: string | Description: The inquiry text. YES
date Expected data type: string | Description: The date of the inquiry. YES
arrival Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the reservation date. YES
number_of_adults Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the inquiry. YES
number_of_children Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the inquiry. YES
age_of_children Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children. YES
number_of_pets Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of pets from the inquiry. YES
type_of_pets Expected data type: string | Description: The type of the pets. YES
first_name Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the inquirer. YES
last_name Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the inquirer. YES
street Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the inquirer. YES
zip Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the inquirer. YES
city Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the inquirer. YES
phone_number Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the inquirer. YES
departure Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the reservation date. YES
booking_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the booking type. | Allowed values: 1 => tentative booking request, 2 => direct booking, 3 => external booking, 4 => 24h-booking YES
inquiry_status_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the inquiry status. | Allowed values: 3 => declined, 4 => booked, 5 => canceled, 7 => expired (24-h booking) YES
inquiry_price The total price of the inquiry YES



Header Value


   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the inquirer.",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The inquiry text.",
   "date": "Expected data type: string | Description: The date of the inquiry.",
   "arrival": "Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the reservation date.",
   "number_of_adults": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the inquiry.",
   "number_of_children": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the inquiry.",
   "age_of_children": "Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children.",
   "number_of_pets": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of pets from the inquiry.",
   "type_of_pets": "Expected data type: string | Description: The type of the pets.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the inquirer.",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the inquirer.",
   "street": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the inquirer.",
   "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the inquirer.",
   "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the inquirer.",
   "phone_number": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the inquirer.",
   "departure": "Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the reservation date.",
   "booking_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the booking type. | Allowed values: 1 => tentative booking request, 2 => direct booking, 3 => external booking, 4 => 24h-booking",
   "inquiry_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the inquiry status. | Allowed values: 3 => declined, 4 => booked, 5 => canceled, 7 => expired (24-h booking)",
   "inquiry_price": "The total price of the inquiry"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/inquiry-information[/:inquiry_information_id]"
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the inquirer.",
   "text": "Expected data type: string | Description: The inquiry text.",
   "date": "Expected data type: string | Description: The date of the inquiry.",
   "arrival": "Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the reservation date.",
   "number_of_adults": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the inquiry.",
   "number_of_children": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the inquiry.",
   "age_of_children": "Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children.",
   "number_of_pets": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of pets from the inquiry.",
   "type_of_pets": "Expected data type: string | Description: The type of the pets.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the inquirer.",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the inquirer.",
   "street": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the inquirer.",
   "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the inquirer.",
   "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the inquirer.",
   "phone_number": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the inquirer.",
   "departure": "Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the reservation date.",
   "booking_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the booking type. | Allowed values: 1 => tentative booking request, 2 => direct booking, 3 => external booking, 4 => 24h-booking",
   "inquiry_status_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the inquiry status. | Allowed values: 3 => declined, 4 => booked, 5 => canceled, 7 => expired (24-h booking)",
   "inquiry_price": "The total price of the inquiry"


The WeekPriceTable service allows you to create, modify, delete and retrieve price period related information. It is very important that the price periods you want to create or modify must not result in overlapping periods because this is not allowed. Therefore we will validate every period to avoid overlaps. WeekPriceTable collection allows the modification, the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all price tables for a listing. WeekPriceTable entity allows the modification, the deletion and the retrieving of one specific price table for a listing. You have to know the week_price_table_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the week_price_table_id take a look at the WeekPriceTable GET collection for the listing you want to address.

GET /listing/:listing_id/week-price-table

The WeekPriceTable GET collection allows the retrieving of all week price tables for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. YES
price_per_following_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "week_price_table": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table[/:week_price_table_id]"
              "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
              "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
              "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
              "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
              "price_per_following_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period.",
              "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

POST /listing/:listing_id/week-price-table

The WeekPriceTable POST collection allows the creation of a new week price table for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. YES
price_per_following_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_per_following_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table[/:week_price_table_id]"
   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_per_following_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/week-price-table

The WeekPriceTable DELETE collection allows the deletion of all week price tables for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. YES
price_per_following_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/week-price-table[/:week_price_table_id]

The WeekPriceTable GET entity allows the retrieving of one week price table by the week_price_table_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. YES
price_per_following_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table[/:week_price_table_id]"
   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_per_following_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/week-price-table[/:week_price_table_id]

The WeekPriceTable PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing week price table for the specified listing. It is strongly recommended to PATCH a entity instead of deleting it and creating a new one, if you want to change specific data for one booking (e.g. price_per_week)


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. YES
price_per_following_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_per_following_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/week-price-table[/:week_price_table_id]"
   "season_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable",
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period.",
   "price_per_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period.",
   "price_per_following_week": "Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period.",
   "minimum_stay_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months"

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/week-price-table[/:week_price_table_id]

The WeekPriceTable DELETE entity allows the deletion of one week price table by the week_price_table_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
season_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The season type of the price period. | Allowed values: 1 => peak-season, 2 => off-season, 3 => mid-season, 6 => all-season, 7 => Easter, 8 => Ascension Day, 9 => Pentecost, 10 => Christmas, 11 => New Year's Eve, 12 => Christmas + New Year's Eve, 13 => not bookable NO
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the price period. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the price period. YES
price_per_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per week within the price period. YES
price_per_following_week Expected data type: double (with only two decimal places) or integer | Description: The price per following week within the price period. NO
minimum_stay_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The id which represents the minimum stay within the price period. | Allowed values: 7 => seven nights, 8 => eight nights, 9 => nine nights, 10 => ten nights, 11 => eleven nights, 12 => twelve nights, 13 => thirteen nights, 14 => two weeks, 15 => fifteen nights, 16 => sixteen nights, 17 => seventeen nights, 18 => eighteen nights, 19 => nineteen nights, 20 => twenty nights, 21 => three weeks, 22 => twenty two nights, 23 => twenty three nights, 24 => twenty four nights, 25 => twenty five nights, 26 => twenty six nights, 27 => twenty seven nights, 28 => four weeks, 180 => six months NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The PriceLogic service allows you to create, modify and retrieve the choosen price logic. In order to use this service, you need to know the listing_id. It is not allowed to delete price logic entries, because every listing need this entry to determine the price logic. All listings that do not have this entry will use the common price logic. The common price logic (1) will use the prices which are located within the PriceTable service. Has day, following_day and week prices. Can have offers. The week price logic (2) will use the prices which are located within the WeekPriceTable service. Has week and following_week prices. Cannot have any offer. Price logics, can only be changed via the traum-ferienwohnungen webinterface if the listing is located in Belgien, Netherlands or Luxembourg, but can be changed via the Clientapi at any time.

PATCH /price-logic[/:listing_id]

The PriceLogic PATCH entity allows the modification of one existing price logic for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_logic_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "price_logic_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/price-logic[/:listing_id]"
   "price_logic_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic"

GET /price-logic[/:listing_id]

The PriceLogic GET entity allows the retrieving of one price logic by the listing_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_logic_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/price-logic[/:listing_id]"
   "price_logic_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic"

POST /price-logic[/:listing_id]

The PriceLogic POST entity allows the creation of one price logic for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
price_logic_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "price_logic_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/price-logic[/:listing_id]"
   "price_logic_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The price logic for the specified listing. | Allowed values: 1 => common logic, 2 => following week logic"


The Bookable service allows you to create and retrieve if a listing is bookable. In order to use this service, you need to know the listing_id and customer_id.

POST /customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing

The Bookable POST collection allows the creation of new entries for all listings of a customer_id.


Field Type Description Required
is_bookable Expected data type: boolean |Description: Decides if the listings are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing"
       "first": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "items": [
              "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",
              "listing_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The listing_id"

GET /customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing

The Bookable GET collection allows the retrieving of all listings and their bookable flags for a specified customer.


Field Type Description Required
is_bookable Expected data type: boolean |Description: Decides if the listings are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing"
       "first": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "bookable": [
              "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",
              "listing_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The listing_id"

DELETE /customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing[/:listing_id]

The Bookable DELETE entity allows the deletion of the entry for the given listing_id.


Field Type Description Required
is_bookable Expected data type: boolean |Description: Decides if the listings are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing[/:listing_id]

The Bookable GET entity allows the retrieving of entry to know if the listing_id is bookable.


Field Type Description Required
is_bookable Expected data type: boolean |Description: Decides if the listings are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing/:listing_id"
              "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",
              "listing_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The listing_id"

POST /customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing[/:listing_id]

The Bookable POST entity allows the creation of entry that the listing is bookable.


Field Type Description Required
is_bookable Expected data type: boolean |Description: Decides if the listings are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing/:listing_id"
              "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",
              "listing_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The listing_id"

PATCH /customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing[/:listing_id]

The Bookable PATCH entity allows the updation of entry that the listing is bookable or not.


Field Type Description Required
is_bookable Expected data type: boolean |Description: Decides if the listings are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "customer/:customer_id/bookable/listing/:listing_id"
              "is_bookable": "Expected data type: boolean | Description: Decides if the listings of this customer are bookable or not. | Allowed values: true or false.",


The ListingStatus service allows you to retrieve the current listing status per listing entity. In order to use this service, you need to know the listing_id.

GET /listing-status[/:listing_id]

The ListingStatus GET entity allows the retrieving of entry to know if the listing_id status is online or offline.


Field Type Description Required
status Expected data type: string |Description:The status can be online or offline, it can only be received but not changed| Allowed values: online or offline YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "listing-status/:listing_id"
              "status": "Expected data type: string |Description:The status can be online or offline, it can only be received but not changed| Allowed values: online or offline",


The ArrivalDeparture service allows you to create, delete and retrieve seasonal arrival/departure related information. It is very important that the arrival/departure seasons you want to create must not result in overlapping seasons because this is not allowed. Therefore we will validate every season to avoid overlaps. ArrivalDeparture collection allows the creation, the deletion and the retrieving of all seasons for a listing. ArrivalDeparture entity allows the deletion and the retrieving of one specific season for a listing. You have to know the arrival_departure_id in order to use the entity endpoint, to get the arrival_departure_id take a look at the ArrivalDeparture GET collection for the listing you want to address.

GET /listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure

The ArrivalDeparture GET collection allows the retrieving of travel seasons for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season. YES
day_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different day types. | Allowed values: 1 => Arrival, 2 => Departure YES
day_ids Expected data type: array | Description: Array of possible travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure"
       "first": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure?page={page}"
       "prev": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure?page={page}"
       "next": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure?page={page}"
       "last": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure?page={page}"
   "_embedded": {
       "arrival_departure": [
               "_links": {
                   "self": {
                       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure[/:arrival_departure_id]"
               "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season.",
               "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season.",
               "day_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description:  The identifier for the different day types.",
               "day_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days."

POST /listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure

The ArrivalDeparture POST collection overwrites the existing travel seasons with the new seasons for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season. YES
day_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different day types. | Allowed values: 1 => Arrival, 2 => Departure YES
day_ids Expected data type: array | Description: Array of possible travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season.",
   "day_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description:  The identifier for the different day types.",
   "day_ids": "Expected data type: array | Description: Array of possible travel days."


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure[/:arrival_departure_id]"
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season.",
   "day_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description:  The identifier for the different day types.",
   "day_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure

The ArrivalDeparture DELETE collection allows the deletion of all travel seasons for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season. YES
day_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different day types. | Allowed values: 1 => Arrival, 2 => Departure YES
day_ids Expected data type: array | Description: Array of possible travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed

GET /listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure[/:arrival_departure_id]

The ArrivalDeparture GET entity allows the retrieving of one travel season table by the arrival_departure_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season. YES
day_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different day types. | Allowed values: 1 => Arrival, 2 => Departure YES
day_ids Expected data type: array | Description: Array of possible travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
       "self": {
           "href": "/listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure[/:arrival_departure_id]"
   "from": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season.",
   "to": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season.",
   "day_type_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description:  The identifier for the different day types.",
   "day_id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different types of travel days."

DELETE /listing/:listing_id/arrival-departure[/:arrival_departure_id]

The ArrivalDeparture DELETE entity allows the deletion of one travel season by the arrival_departure_id for the specified listing.


Field Type Description Required
from Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The start date of the travel season. YES
to Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The end date of the travel season. YES
day_type_id Expected data type: integer | Description: The identifier for the different day types. | Allowed values: 1 => Arrival, 2 => Departure YES
day_ids Expected data type: array | Description: Array of possible travel days. | Allowed values: -2 => on agreement, -1 => every day, 1 => on mondays, 2 => on tuesdays, 3 => on wednesdays, 4 => on thursdays, 5 => on fridays, 6 => on saturdays, 7 => on sundays YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 204: No Content
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


The LosPrice service allows you to sync LOS prices. In order to use this service, the LOS sync config should be enabled for the listing. If the LOS sync config is disabled, please contact the sales/support team. Please note that for LOS collection, arrival date and number of guests needs to be unique for each entry, for same arrival date and number of persons duplicate entry is not allowed. Minimum stay for the particular day will be calculated based on the LOS price data, While the seasonal arrival(checkin) departure(checkout) restrictions will need to be updated using ArrivalDeparture Endpoint. If Los price is active then make sure that other price systems are not present for the listing.

POST /listing/:listing_id/los-price

The LosPrice POST collection overwrites the existing LOS prices with the new pushed prices for the specified listing. The length_of_stay for a specific date cannot be greater than 21


Field Type Description Required
arrival_date Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The arrival date. YES
no_of_guests Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of guests. | Allowed values: Between 1 to 12 (inclusive) YES
prices Expected data type: array of objects | Description: The information of all available length of stay (max. 21) and prices. Format: [{"length_of_stay": 5, "amount": 50.00}, {"length_of_stay": 7, "amount": 65.50}, ...] YES



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


   "arrival_date": "Expected data type: string (Format: Y-m-d) | Description: The arrival date.",
   "no_of_guests": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of guests.",
   "prices": "Expected data type: array of object | Description: The information of all available length of stay and prices. Format: [{"length_of_stay": 5, "amount": 50.00}, {"length_of_stay": 7, "amount": 65.50}, ...]"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 201: Created
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed




The DirectBooking service allows you to retrieve direct bookings for specified listings. You can also change the inquiry status. In order to use this service, you have to know the listing_id.

GET /listing/:listing_id/direct-booking

The DirectBooking GET collection allows the retrieving of all direct bookings for the listing. You can filter the status by partner_sync_status. Allowed Values: PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED


Field Type Description Required
partner_sync_status Expected data type: string | Description: parter sync status values. | Allowed PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking"
        "first": {
            "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking?page={page}"
        "prev": {
            "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking?page={page}"
        "next": {
            "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking?page={page}"
        "last": {
            "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking?page={page}"
    "_embedded": {
        "direct_booking": [
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking[/:direct_booking_id]"
                "id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the direct booking",
                "booking_reference": "Expected data type: string | Description: The unique booking reference id",
                "booking_status": "Expected data type: string | Description: Booking status on TFW side | Allowed values: CONFIRMED, CANCELLED, FAILED",
                "partner_sync_status": "Expected data type: string | Description: Partner sync status for booking | Allowed values: PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED",
                "booking_creation_date": "Expected data type: string | Description: Booking Creation Date"

GET /listing/:listing_id/direct-booking[/:direct_booking_id]

The DirectBooking GET entity allows the retrieving of direct booking by the direct_booking_id, to get the all the ids take a look at the DirectBooking GET collection.


Field Type Description Required
partner_sync_status Expected data type: string | Description: parter sync status values. | Allowed PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking[/:direct_booking_id]"
    "id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The id of the direct booking",
    "booking_reference": "Expected data type: string | Description: The unique booking reference id",
    "booking_status": "Expected data type: string | Description: Booking status on TFW side | Allowed values: CONFIRMED, CANCELLED, FAILED",
    "partner_sync_status": "Expected data type: string | Description: Partner sync status for booking | Allowed values: PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED",
    "booking_creation_date": "Expected data type: string | Description: Booking Creation Date"

PATCH /listing/:listing_id/direct-booking[/:direct_booking_id]

The DirectBooking PATCH enitity allows the modification of the Partner booking sync status for one existing direct booking. The other fields can not be patched.


Field Type Description Required
partner_sync_status Expected data type: string | Description: parter sync status values. | Allowed PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED NO



Header Value
Authorization HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2 Bearer token (check API provider for details)


    "partner_sync_status": "partner(Channel manager) sync status value"


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found
  • 400: Client Error
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking[/:direct_booking_id]"
        "partner_sync_status": "Expected data type: string | Description: parter sync status values. | Allowed PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED"


The DirectBookingDetails service allows you to retrieve direct booking detail for specified booking. In order to use this service, you have to know the listing_id and direct_booking_id which can be fetched from the DirectBooking endpoint

GET /listing/:listing_id/direct-booking-details[/:direct_booking_id]

The DirectBookingDetails GET entity allows the retrieving of direct booking by the direct_booking_id, to get the all the ids take a look at the DirectBookingDetails GET collection.



Header Value


Status Codes

  • 406: Not Acceptable
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
  • 200: OK
  • 404: Not Found


Header Value
Allow Comma-separated list of all HTTP methods allowed


   "_links": {
     "self": {
       "href": "/listing/:listing_id/direct-booking-details[/:direct_booking_id]"
   "id": "Expected data type: integer | Description: Id of the booking",
   "title": "Expected data type: string | Description: The title of the Holiday maker.",
   "first_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The first name of the Holiday maker.",
   "last_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The last name of the Holiday maker.",
   "email": "Expected data type: string | Description: The email address of the Holiday maker.",
   "arrival": "Expected data type: string | Description: The arrival for the booking date.",
   "departure": "Expected data type: string | Description: The departure for the booking date.",
   "adults": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of adults from the booking.",
   "children_ages": "Expected data type: string | Description: The age(s) of the children.",
   "children_count": "Expected data type: integer | Description: The number of children from the booking.",
   "pets_count": "Expected data type: int | Description: The number of the pets.",
   "pets_additional_info": "Expected data type: string | Description: The additional details of the pets.",
   "phone": "Expected data type: string | Description: The phone number of the Holiday maker.",
   "currency": "Expected data type: string | Description: Currency of the vacation home.",
   "total_price": "Expected data type: float | Description: The total price of the booking",
   "street_name": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street of the Holiday maker.",
   "street_number": "Expected data type: string | Description: The street number of the Holiday maker.",
   "zip": "Expected data type: string | Description: The zip of the Holiday maker.",
   "city": "Expected data type: string | Description: The city of the Holiday maker.",
   "locale": "Expected data type: string | Description: The locale of the Holiday maker.",
   "booking_creation_date": "Expected data type: string | Description: Booking creation Date",
   "additional_data": "Expected data type: string | Description: Additional data of booking in Json string format",